Sunday, October 18, 2009

Writing / New EP

After months of playing shows, recording, tour, and all sorts of stuff we finally have a chance to write some new material and we're looking to debut it within the next couple of weeks. We're working on 2 songs at the moment that we're hoping to record possibly next year and make ourselves a new EP! There's no lyrics for one of the songs but the other's concept is about a child being born with multiple personalities and as this child grows up these personalities that were mentors to him fade away causing him to lose his sanity so in reality he needs these personalities to survive. It's sounding really fucking intense and we can't fucking wait to unleash it. We're hoping to record a new EP in the spring. Shits costs money and that is something we absolutely don't have at the moment but that's what makes a band known as "struggling musicians". We got some real big plans for next year. Our plan is to call our new EP "If Only Minds Could Paint Pictures", release it, and send it off to labels of course. Who knows, maybe we'll just send the demo off now and maybe a full length would be even more possible. I think that's about all for now.

Also buy tickets off us for this show!

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